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Advanced print image control with MediaCheck from Tec4Check

Print image control with MediaCheck

When checking print images, MediaCheck does not differentiate between text, colours, images or graphic elements.

Using a scanner, individual packaging materials (folding cartons, leaflets, labels or films) as well as printed sheets or print sections from reel production can be scanned and compared against the reference PDF.

MediaCheck is therefore ideal for use in the print shop as the manufacturer of the packaging materials as well as in the companies that use the packaging materials (pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics manufacturers, beverage or food producers).

More about MediaCheck

Industries at a glance

Best possible quality for customers with MediaCheck

MediaCheck for printing companies

A printing company wants to offer its customers the best possible quality. To achieve this, MediaCheck efficiently checks the printed products and compares them against the PDF file or compares single or full-page PDFs against the customer PDFs in prepress.

Quality control in the incoming goods department

MediaCheck for pharma

Pharmaceutical manufacturers carefully check the quality of their products and input materials, including printed packaging materials such as labels, leaflets and folding cartons.

The information on ingredients must also be correct on cosmetic products

MediaCheck for cosmetics

The information on ingredients must also be correct on cosmetic products. The importance of accuracy is increasing all the time. For this reason, MediaCheck supports cosmetics manufacturers in checking the printed images of the packaging supplied. These are scanned and compared with the reference PDF.

Constant changes to the legal requirements for information on the packaging

MediaCheck for food and beverages

The legal requirements for information on food and drink packaging are constantly changing. At the same time, ingredients change due to changing availability. This means that the information on the packaging has to be changed and checked more intensively.